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Explore OpenAI Models

Before you begin this section, navigate to your Azure OpenAI Studio homepage:

  1. In the Azure Portal, click on the Azure OpenAI resource openai-lab-build
  2. Click the "Explore" button to open the Azure OpenAI Studio

Remember, you chose your own unique name to replace openai-lab-build above. During this workshop you will often need to return to the home page of the Azure OpenAI Studio, so refer back to this section if you need a reminder of how to get there.

Your deployed models

Click on Deployments in the "Management" section of the left pane. You have two models deployed:

  • text-davinci-003: an instance of the OpenAI GPT-3.5 model
  • gpt-35-turbo: an instance of the OpenAI ChatGPT model

In this workshop, we will occasionally mention GPT-4, the latest model from OpenAI, but we will not deploy it.

You can find details about these models and other models available in Azure OpenAI Service at There you will learn that:

  • text-davinci-003 is currently available in the East US and West Europe regions, has a Max Request limit of 4,097 tokens, and is based on training data up to June 2021.
  • gpt-35-turbo is currently available (preview) in the East US, France Central, South Central US, UK South, and West Europe regions, has a Max Request limit of 4,096 tokens, and is based on training data up to September 2021.
  • gpt-4 is only available by request in the East US and France Central regions, has a Max Request limit of 8,192 tokens (or 32,768 tokens for the gpt-4-32k variant), and is based on training data up to September 2021.

Which model should I use?

There are many considerations when choosing a model, including cost, availability, performance, and capability. But as a general guide, we recommend the following:

  • Start with gpt-35-turbo. This model is very economical, has good performance, and despite the "ChatGPT" name can be used for a wide range of tasks beyond chat and conversation.

  • If gpt-35-turbo is not available to you, try text-davinci-003. This is a slightly older model, but it performs well for many tasks. For applications where language understanding, but not generation is important (for example, information extraction or text correction), some of the other, smaller models may be better suited.

  • If you need to generate more than 4,096 tokens, or need to support larger prompts, you will need to use gpt-4 or gpt-4-32k. These models are more expensive and can be slower, and have limited availability, but they are the most powerful models available today.